Cert IV Business

Career Development Program

Your employer is investing heavily in a career development program that will give you more skills, a Nationally Recognised Qualification and give you more opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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Less than 3 hours a month

Nationally Recognised Training

Group and Online Training

Access to Student Discounts

What will you gain out of this?

Customised training empowering you with more skills and tools applicable to your role.

Nationally Recognised

You will gain a nationally recognised qualification from Cert III to Cert IV

Working Hours

All the training will be completed during working hours.

No Exams or Essays!

Just practical work-based projects with short answer questions.

Fully Paid For

Your employer is paying for this so no costs to you and no HECS debt.

Cert III in Business (Customer Engagement)

The training course will build on your existing knowledge and formalise your experience.

Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement) addresses the skills needed in customer contact roles in the growing contact and service centre industry. These include skills to deliver a rewarding customer service experience, and the ability to manage priorities and workplace challenges. You will gain a solid understanding of service centre and call centre systems and culture.

The Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement) will not only provide you with an enjoyable and informative learning experience but also a high level of professionalism and the ability to deliver a high quality service. Learn all about how to work effectively in this fast paced industry.

What will you learn?

The training course will build on your existing knowledge and formalise your experience.

Core Units

BSBCRT311 Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment

BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace

BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices

BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety

BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication

Customer and Client Engagement 

BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers

BSBOPS305 Process customer complaints

BSBXDB301 Respond to the service needs of customers and clients with disability

ICTSAS305 Provide ICT advice to clients

SIRXCEG002 Assist with customer difficulties

SIRXCEG005 Maintain business to business relationships

SIRXMKT001 Support marketing and promotional activities

SIRXOSM003 Use social media and online tools

SIRXPDK001 Advise on products and services

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I'd already gained a lot of experience working in a business, so I just wanted to get some recognition for my years on the job. I don't have to stop work, I don't have to take days off, I can do it while at work so it's easy to work it around my life.

Chris Avond

CEO Affordable Ltd.

Higher Education Pathways?

If you decide to expand your skill set you could also consider a Diploma of Leadership and Management or a Diploma of Business and a Bachelor of Business.

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